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5,054 square foot residence, Modesto, California

A feeling of timeless elegance was achieved by symmetry and a limited palette of materials
3,333 square foot residence, Modesto, California.

Controlling the hot summer heat while still providing abundant natural light was the starting point for this design. 
American Institute of Architects, Honor Award for Design and featured in California Builder Magazine 
3,200 square foot vacation residence, Kirkwood, California. 
American Institute of Architects Honor Award for Design

4,500 square foot residence, Modesto, California
This contempoary home presents a traditional street facade in deference to the style of the neighborhood.  The curved design is a nod to the cul de sac.  The Spinal plan curves toward the solar orientations and opens all rooms to the rear yard. 
American Institute of Architects Honor Award for Design.
5,600 square foot residence, Hughson, California

Located on ten acres in the heart of the Central Valley of California, This territorial style residence responds well to the hot summer climate.
American Institute of Architects Honor Award for Design
3,000 square foot residence, Oakdale, California

The correct orientation, shading devices, thermal mass walls, distributed thermal mass, and natural stack effects, makes this passive solar home highly energy efficient.
6,000 square foot residence, Manteca, California

Strong geometry with rectangular and radial grids intersecting establishes the order of the modern residence.
4,800 square foot residence, Modesto, California

This two story residence uses the Classical architectural rules of proportion and axis to create this timeless design.

A r c h i t e c t u r e   &   P l a n n i n g
R E S I D E N T I A L   P R O J E C T S 
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Residential remodel and facade redesign, Modesto, California
This  modern house was built in the early 1960's and badly needed repairs and up dating.  The street facade was completely redesigned with a more prominent entry and planters.  The interior was gutted and reworked within the existing square footage.  The project was featured on HGTV's "What  You Get for the Money", and received a design award from the American Institute of Architects.